camtasia 2022 free download full


System Requirements

Windows 10 / 11 (64-bit – all editions) 
CPU : 2.8 Ghz 6th Generation Intel® Core™ i3 Processor with 2 CPU Cores or 2.8 Ghz 1st Generation AMD® Ryzen™ 3 Processor with 2 CPU Cores
RAM : 8GB of RAM
HDD : 4GB of available disk space
Display : 1366x768 pixels or Higher
GPU : NVIDIA GeForce 10 Series or higher
Microsoft .NET 4.7.2 or later
File Info

Official Website :
License : Trial
Software Version
: 2022.2.1 Build 40635 File Name : CS.2022.2.1.B40635.x64.rar File Size : 370 MB File Type : *.rar Server :Google Drive Upload date : 02/11/2022 Last modified : 02/11/2022 Password : sbz

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